Friday, March 27, 2009

Haiku-What's that?

Recently I was informed that Wikipedia could provided me with the answer to the above question.  So I looks it up and I read.  Then I read it again, and think about it.  Then I try it out, a few mental haikus and I think, 'Is that a hiaku?',  'Is it acceptable to be one?'  "Will that sexy cat accept it?"  "I almost had one last time .. why did I just miss out?'

After a while I think I better stop thinking about it and reread the description in Wikipedia again and try to explain it in my own words.  So that's what I did. 

It's a short poem thingy
Kind of profound
With a chocolate curly twist

Then there's the number of syllables:

Seventeen in all
Except in English
When there's only 10 to 14

You see in Japanese they count more sounds than what we regard as syllable sounds.  For instance, the word 'son' has only one syllable sound in English while in Japanese it has two, /so/ and /n/.

Here's some Haiku I did:

I walked up the river
Then floated
Down stream

With a cat
I played mental ping pong
And a light came on

The haiku was all in the imagination.  I was in the dark at the time (mentally and physically) and after we had finished (3 minutes it took), the minx shot one of her ping pong balls at the light switch and lit up.  Some time later:

In a catsuit
She stood astride
Purring her lovely smile

Don't ask me what any of these mean.  The way I see it, in haiku, it's all up to the reader to understand the author's meaning.  Feel free to comment, point out why they are (or not) haiku, and/ or take the piss.


  1. Har, har! Good, Mr Divine.

    I respond in kind
    My brain cells struggle to swim
    Like fish in batter

  2. You spoke loudly
    Like a mouth full of marbles
    Under wet cement

    I think we've created history. We have created a blog and haiku sub genre. We've just created a 'kireji', a juxtaposition, where the reader (if there is any!) must reflect upon the relationship between two parts of this communication. No just on the haiku poems, but between the blogs and the reversal of roles from blogger (you) to blogee and vis-versa.

    Do you feel important now or what?
